From your bump to your arms, motherhood is a wild adventure of love and chaos!

From the moment your baby is conceived, you are no longer just thinking for one. Your entire world is already changing as you are making decisions every day that include your little one. Reading pregnancy books, eating better foods, prepping the nursery, and dreaming of what it'll be like to hold them in your arms. Then the day comes you get to hold them, smell their head and see their little fingers and toes wiggle. Being a Mother myself, I remember all those moments. The first cry, the first bath, and all the sweet snuggles. As my daughter grows, I absolutely love to document her childhood. When they say they grow in the blink of an eye, it's true! Milestones pass, seasons change and our bond grows stronger and stronger. Being a mother has changed me in so many ways that I can't count.

You're probably thinking to yourself right now, girl stop sugar coating this chaotic world that is motherhood! Believe me, I know that everyday is rollercoaster with a toddler! Messy, loud and full of energy I would love to just bottle up! I suppose the part I want to focus on is that it doesn't last. They stay little for only so long. Then they don't want the snuggles, they don't want to hang out with you on a Saturday night, instead they want to go to their friends house or the mall or movies. So much changes in such a short amount of years. This is why I do Motherhood/ Mommy & Me Sessions. No matter where you are in this journey, I encourage you to document it!

What does a Motherhood Session look like with me? It'll depend on where you are in this journey. Are you just beginning and are currently pregnant? Do you have a newborn, toddlers, young children or young adults? What I can tell you is I will be focusing on documenting the details, the love, and all the chaos that may come during your session. Don't fret, I love to document children in whatever stage they are currently in! If they want to run around and pick you wildflowers, that's what I'm going to capture. If they just want to snuggle you, that's what I'll document. There is no right or wrong in documenting your story. It's unique to you and whatever season of motherhood you are in.

Get in front of the camera Mama's! It's your time to shine!

Interested in a motherhood session? April 30th and May 7th I will be doing short story sessions!

Those dates don't work for you? Check out my booking link and choose a package. My availability will pop up! One Hour and 90 minute sessions include client closet dress access.